
Day 10: Before dinner we hung out for a while at the big church, Santo Domingo, where there is a lot of Saturday afternoon wedding activity. We caught some action from one wedding. It included bands and dancing outside the Cathedral, including huge puppets called gigantes, then a parade down the street with explosively loud fireworks "bombs."

For dinner, we had guacamole and a big salad prepared by Jackie Hastings at Las Mariposas hotel. We ate outside with Nancy and Bob Johnson. We were joined by a Canadian lady named Laura, who regaled us with tales of her efforts to learn Spanish through one ear before it escaped out the other.

Cristina did an "intercambio" at the Library with a local dude who spoke perfect English. He comes just to welcome foreigners to Oaxaca. He advised ignoring Trump and focusing only on what can be done for good.

Amby ran for 2:40 (2 run, 1 walk).