
Days 11 & 12: Getting a bit behind here. Yesterday, was a national holiday, Constitucion Day. At Cristina's new favorite shop, a place where ladies sit around crocheting and chatting, she asked what special activities happen on this holiday. "Nada," they answered. That was pretty much the way it seemed, a quiet day.
Left to right, Luzy, Maria Luisa, Alejandra--the crochet queens.

Monday evening we attended the 65th birthday party of the owner of Las Mariposas Hotel. It started early, ended early, and included live music, but not very danceable. The main instrument was xylophone. There must have been 50 guests with plenty of good food, drink, and postre con hielo.

Today, Tuesday, the gym and English Library were open again for the first time in three days, and life returned to normal. Amby went to a lecture on the political economy of the indigenous groups. The speaker was a retired university professor, very knowledgeable, but his talk was too academic and lacked context.
It was a little interesting to learn that 80 percent of local "communities" are governed by traditional customs and habits, not Mexican law. The communities exist primarily to promote their local fiestas, some very big, many very small. The most important person in the community is the person who has enough money to pay for the major fiesta of the year, honoring the community's patron saint.

Tuesday evening Amby and Cristina went out for dinner alone for the first time since arriving. We ate at a lovely rooftop restaurant with views of the nearby Santo Domingo church and the distant hillsides. 
Strong margaritas, good food, and a still, warm, dreamy evening. We FaceTimed with Gary, who looked cold in his Mystic living room, but mis-connected with Laura.
Rooftop restaurant, Santo Domingo church behind